Brain-Building Curriculum
For infants, babies and toddlers
Ages 1 month to 4 years

*Only R188 / month until cancelled
Fully online
and portable
Original books Included
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*Only R188 / month until cancelled

Give your newborn, baby or toddler the gift of a superior brain architecture with the amazing and affordable
Brain-Building programme

- Stimulating your baby’s little brain results in increased growth and retention of crucial neural networks in the brain.
- In only two to three minutes twice a day you now have the power to help your baby, newborn or toddler develop their brain.
- Your baby can and will learn at lightning speed.
You can help your baby become extraordinary.
Ready to start your Brain-Building Programme?
What does the future look like for your baby?

- When your baby grows up and is looking to enter the workplace, competition for employment will be larger than ever.
- Employers demands continue to rise year on year.
How the Brain-Building programme works
- Specifically designed for children between the ages of one month to four years.
- Using carefully designed digital flash cards Mom or Dad follow this easy to use programme with baby.
- It takes only two to three minutes per session daily.
- Babies have a short attention span, because they learn at lightning speed and become easily bored with old information. Our programme specifically caters to this way of learning.
- Your infant or toddler’s progress is tracked and automatically runs through the correct order of the curriculum.
- Each quick session grows and strengthens neural pathways.

How the Brain-Building
programme works
- Specifically designed for children between the ages of one month to four years.
- Using carefully designed digital flash cards Mom or Dad follow this easy to use programme with baby.
- It takes only two to three minutes per session daily.
- Babies have a short attention span, because they learn at lightning speed and become easily bored with old information. Our programme specifically caters to this way of learning.
- Your infant or toddler’s progress is tracked and automatically runs through the correct order of the curriculum.
- Each quick session grows and strengthens neural pathways.

Why use the Brain-Building method
- Promotes the building and strengthening of new neural pathways.
- Increases your baby’s self-confidence.
- Bonding experience for you and your baby.
- Experience parental pride when your baby’s skills and abilities soar above the conventional development expectations for babies.

- Your baby will learn to read at an incredibly early age.
- Learning will become associated with fun.
- Your baby will develop a strong sense of self-worth leading to healthier social and personal relationships later in life.
- Extremely user-friendly.
There is a unique window of opportunity in early childhood during which it is possible to develop the actual architecture of your baby’s brain.
More so than at any other time in life.
Why use the Brain-Building
- Promotes the building and strengthening of new neural pathways.
- Increases your baby’s self-confidence.
- Bonding experience for you and your baby.
- Experience parental pride when your baby’s skills and abilities soar above the conventional development expectations for babies.
- Your baby will learn to read at an incredibly early age.
- Learning will become associated with fun.
- Your baby will develop a strong sense of self-worth leading to healthier social and personal relationships later in life.
- Extremely user-friendly.

There is a unique window of opportunity in early childhood during which it is possible to develop the actual architecture of your baby’s brain.
More so than at any other time in life.
Ready to start your Brain-Building Programme?
The science behind building your baby’s brain
Did you know?

A synapse where electrical and chemical signals travel through the brain.

- Babies are born with almost all of the brain cells they will have as an adult.
- The biggest development in your baby’s brain comes from how their brain cells communicate with each other and the rest of the body.
- This communication takes place at the synapses (the area in which electrical and chemical signals travel through the brain).
Synapse density growth viewed over time

*Source: Corel, JL. The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1975.
- At birth each brain cell only has 2 500 synapses (neural connection points) By three years old your toddler will have around 15 000 synapses for each brain cell.
- In other words your baby is developing more than 1 million new neural connections every single second.
- The Brain-Building programme works to develop and stabilise this growth.
Why use the Brain-Building method?

The synapses firing in a healthy brain
- The more these neural pathways are used the stronger, clearer and easier to use they become.
- If the brain is not stimulated many of them will eventually go through a pruning process in which they weaken and eventually cease to exist.
Why use the Brain-Building method?

- The more these neural pathways are used the stronger, clearer and easier to use they become.
- If the brain is not stimulated many of them will eventually go through a pruning process in which they weaken and eventually cease to exist.
Don't miss this opportunity
- This intensive brain growth period in the early years of life is when you need to be focused on developing your baby's brain
- The Brain-building programme painlessly and effortlessly starts by first teaching your baby to read by exposing him or her daily to new information (using mom or dad's voice) while also reinforcing previous learning, thereby stabilising and strengthening neural pathways and so playing a huge role in increasing your baby's brain wiring.

Ready to start your Brain-Building Programme?
Frequently asked questions
YES, absolutely. Not only can babies learn to read, they will learn to read with greater ease and much faster than older children or even adults who learned later in life. They will also LOVE to learn to read.
As early as possible, even before language skills develop. This program will also speed up and enhance their language skills. They will amass a large vocabulary at an early age. It is best to harness and grow the potential of your baby’s brain before this massive, early growth spurt slows down.
It is like riding a wave. Don’t wait for it to pass before deciding you want to jump on the surfboard.
The Brain Building programme is very time-friendly for busy parents. It takes only two or three sessions per day and each session takes approximately two minutes.
It is super easy and fun. With baby on your lap, seated in front of a laptop, desktop or tablet you go through a short series of our flash cards. You say the word and then move on to the next card. There is no waiting for baby to respond. With the phenomenal ability of the brain at that age, the association between the written and the spoken word is almost instantaneous. This process builds and strengthens neural pathways, develops the brain’s ability to retain memories and information as well as improve baby’s language skills.
It is never too late to start something as beneficial as this. At eight months old your child still receives wonderful benefits because at this age the brain is still in its massive growth stage. However, the younger the child, the faster they learn. A one month old baby will learn a lot faster than an eight month old and an eight month old will learn a lot faster than an 18 month old etc.
There are certain ages and stages of development in which children have to develop their motor skills and have to move all the time. But at the same time, they are interested in exploring their environment. This is why the program is designed to be very quick and requires only seconds of your baby’s attention at a time. The program also gives you many tips and suggestions to help you through potentially difficult phases.
You do not need to be a teacher to be successful with this program. It is carefully designed for ease of use. The system literally does all the work for you. You simply scroll quickly through the flashcards, say the word and it is done.
It is a good idea to find a quiet spot in your house with as few distractions as possible and allocate that space as a place where you always use your Brain Building programme. This also helps to set up an expectation and an understanding of what your baby is going to do and also how long it will take.
What appears to be a lack of attention span to you is in fact your baby learning everything at lightning speed. Your baby does not need to focus on anything for a long time because a quick examination has done the job. The knowledge has been absorbed. A quick glance and mom or dad saying the word is all that is required. More than this will simply be boring for your baby.
Your baby absorbs more information than you realise in a far quicker space of time than you can imagine. An interesting fact is that as adults we are simply not capable of learning as quickly or effectively as babies.
Some mothers find that as they progress with the program their baby’s attention span increases very much. Included in the program are instructions and tips and advice on how to deal with problems such as these and how to get the most out of your programme.
Certainly, provided your au pair does it regularly and following the correct instructions.